# Welcome
Welcome to Cartographer's Developer Guide! This guide is intended for the developer and technical teams in your organization. For a user guide that is relevant for business teams, please refer to the Cartographer User Guide (opens new window).
Cartographer is a guided recommendation system that uses customer’s catalog data to produce product recommendations based on questions configured by the customer.
Cartographer can easily connect to product data using the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Open Commerce API or similar eCommerce platforms such as Magento and Shopify. Cartographer’s import functionality automatically retrieves catalog information for categorization, product attribute definition, and product attribute values, which is leveraged to create a guided shopping experience.
Cartographer provides a basic user experience that can be injected into any eCommerce site with minimal development effort. The recommenders created within Cartographer can be used immediately or customized to any degree to meet your design requirements. Retailers can work with the Drive Commerce team to customize the experience for a cohesive experience with the site, or easily customize the templates and use the JavaScript API to create a unique look.